Reach the Buyers in our next catalogue,

Released November, 2020

The Mining Equipment Prospector
A Mining Equipment Catalogue, Free to all Buyers

Featuring your:

• Mining Equipment FOR SALE, RENT - HIRE - TO LET
• Mining Equipment Parts
• Mining Services

Full color advertising for all budgets
Closing date for advertising in our next issue is October 21, 2020.


What makes us the place to advertise equipment

More Visibility
The Mining Equipment Prospector is a database that features on average over 4,000 pieces of Mining Equipment For Sale. This directory format catalogue is a great reference tool for Buyers. It's nature extends reader shelf life, resulting in more frequent visibility to our advertisers. We have seen buyers referring to publications two years after a specific ad was placed.

Sales Leads
We also send you Sales Leads from Buyers as we receive them.

How many other publications send you direct sales leads?

Internet, Top 10
We are in the top 10 on most search engines... try it, search "Mining Equipment"

International Buyers

The Mining Equipment Prospector Catalogue, available in print and digital format, both Free to all Buyers. Delivered to 2,600 potential Buyers, as well to numerous global recipients of the digital e-catalogue.

We have numerous repeat advertisers, every issue for the last 20 years.

Don't miss our next issue!

Give us a call today. We have an advertising package for any budget...


It will not sell, if nobody knows you have it!

Advertising cut off date for our next issue is October 21, 2020

The Mining Equipment Prospector
620 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury Ontario, Canada P3E 6H5
tel: 705 -560-5519

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